Unwanted Facial Hair

Classification of Severity of Hirsutism

In 1961 Ferriman-Galwey published studies on 430 Caucasian women between the ages of 15-74 years based on patients seen in a hospital clinic. The system is based on 11 body sites with a severity score of 0 to 5 for the upper lip, chin, lower back, upper abdomen, arms, forearms, thigh and leg.

The index specifically evaluates the severity of male pattern hair growth in women on 9 different body sites, namely the upper lip, chin, chest, upper back, upper abdomen, arm, forearm, thigh, and lower leg.

A score is made between 0 and 5 for hair growth in each of the 9 locations with 0 representing no excessive terminal hair growth and 4 representing extensive terminal hair growth. The numbers are added up to a maximum of 36 points. Typically, a modified score of 8 or greater is considered adequate for a diagnosis of hirsutism, although some specialists suggest a final score of 6 is enough. The score is used, together with an assessment of hair growth patterns and other clinically relevant tests, to determine the level of severity – which will be mild, moderate or severe.

Score for the upper lip and chin

Grade 1 - a few hairs at the outer part of the upper lip/few scattered hairs on the chin

Grade 2 - small moustache at the outer margins of the upper lip/scattered hair with a small concentration on the chin

Grade 3 -moustache extending halfway from the outer margin of the upper lip/light complete coverage of the chin

Grade 4 -moustache on the entire upper lip/heavy growth on the entire chin


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